Monday, 30 May 2011


aKING is one of my favourite South African bands. Correction, one of my favourite bands fullstop.
Their music is just awesome, and they class it as "Melodic Rock". Whatever that means. They've got three albums released:

Dutch Courage (2008)
Against All Odds (2009)
The Red Blooded Years (2011)

I've been listening to The Red Blooded Years a lot lately. Its nice, they've added an instrumental track and generally softened their sound a little, which I like. I've heard some people say "Oh ya but now they've just become too commercial, they're just trying to sell more albums." Blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up. aKING is a real band with a good true sound, definitely producing some seriously good music. I have no patience for people who can't see that.

Anywayyyyyyyyy, exciting news is that they are PERFORMING LIVE THIS SATURDAY (4TH JUNE) at The Assembly in Harrington Street. Its supposed to be the video launch of the Catch Alight video (great track, by the way), but lets get real, we go for the music regardless of whether there is a video launch or not. So get suited and booted bitches.

Check out this link to have a look at the event. I would highly recommend buying tickets beforehand. See you Saturday.

Oh, and P.S. the band name is said like this: uh-king, not ayyyy-king like everyone thinks. Just think of it like you're about to sneeze, but then instead of sneezing you say KING. As in aKING. Get it right. Please, for your dignity's sake.


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